Belz was one of greater cities on the western lands of the Kyiv princedom. "Belz" means fenny, damp district. For the first time it is mentioned in the annals during events of 1030, when in the time of campaign against Poland prince "Yaroslav has taken Belz". Belz already was greater city on coast of the river Solokia. From three parties it has been protected by shaft, and with southern part was steep slope.
With this city connects the history of one wonder-working icon - Chenstohova Divine Mother. During the war against Tatars local residents, hoping for protection of the Virgin, have born a wonder-working icon on a wall of the city fortress. One of the Tatar arrows has got in a face of Divine Mother. From a wound appeared blood, and on Tatars has lowered full darkness. In darkness Tatars have given in to a panic and have lifted the weapon one against one. And those who has survived, escaped from city. Since then on a sacred icon there was a sign in the form of a triangle. Nowadays the icon is in Poland. There prepares a laser copy of an icon for Belz.
In XVI century Belz was the developed city. Behind the register, in 1578 there were 8 tailors, 19 shoemakers, 9 furriers, 2 mechanics, 2 joiners, 7 weavers, 4 smiths, 2 boliermakers - 96 handicraftsmen. By then in city lived more Ukrainians than Poles. But Poles borrowed the main posts, had privileges. The legislation too was in hands of Poles.
In the city centre is a four-storeyed tower with the hammered boards windows. It concerns to 1606.