There are emblems on Friday, 01,17,2025 - 5669
List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
List for: Antiheraldry
All emblems order by name

It's better to use one word or its part.

The modern emblem (99859) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The flag (74112) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The President's gonfalon (72906) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The modern emblem (58375) 
The modern emblem (56026) 



"He proved me long that I doesn't exist"
M.Bulgakov, "Master and Margarita"

 From the author of site:
 In 2000 was opened a new page - "Anti-heraldry". I had intend to make this page a long time ago because in Ukraine don't exists a state rules of new emblems creating. That is why new arms sometimes don't correspond heraldry rules. But theirs authors, at first, don't know about this rules existence (although this is no justifications), at second - they make emblems only for own cities or villages.
 At the last time a negative tendency of wrong arms creation began to war. For example, Khmelnyts'ky region newspaper "Podil's'ki visti" in article from June, 22, 1999 says that in true Ukrainian heraldry didn't make nothing. No new eblems, no authors-scientifics, no this site. But in this article was advertised non-heraldry arm of Lysets' village and says that it is single good emblem. Now this arm is confirming.
 I solved to dedicate this page all heraldry mistakes...

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