There are emblems on Thursday, 04,25,2024 - 5209
List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
List for: Heraldry of modern Ukraine
List for: KRYVYI RIH

All emblems order by name

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The modern emblem (98403) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The flag (72738) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The President's gonfalon (71212) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The modern emblem (56831) 
The modern emblem (54336) 


Рейтинг каталога сайтов Хмельницкого региона

The modern emblem
It was confirmed in March, 18th, 1998 by the decision #240-16 of III city council session of XXXIII convocation.
Per pale by Vert and Gules. In the shield are Cossack powder-flask Argent with three oak leaves and two acorns Or.
Cossack powder-flask made of horns, which one first of all indicates a title of city, and also on famous past of land (till 1775 - Zaporiz'ka Sich territory), legend of the founder of city the Cossack named Kryvyi Rih, and other version about a parentage of a title of city - formation of curve ("kryvyi") cape on coalescence Inhulets' and Sacsagan' rivers. Powder-flask also speaks about a more potential and capabilities of city, capability to operating and development: - "There is still powder in powder-flask!", also resembles of call-up "Hold a powder dry always!"
The or oak trifolium with two acorns is character of force, strength, spiritual revival. The trifolium by the form resembles trident, Ukrainian symbol. Besides the trifolium it symbolizes past, modern and future, their continuous connection.
The authors are V.I.Tokar, S.A.Sedneva, V.M.Bakal'tsev, M.K.Dabizha.
Image on site V.Napytkin.

Геральдика Дніпропетровщини. Офіційні символи територіальних та муніципальних утворень: [Історичні нариси]. - Д.: Арт-Прес, 2012. -192с. ISBN 978-966-348-279-8  See

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