There are emblems on Thursday, 04,25,2024 - 5209
List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
List for: Hetman's arms
List for: MAZEPA IVAN (left-bank - 1687-1709)
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MAZEPA IVAN (left-bank - 1687-1709)

Ivan Stepanovytsh Mazepa-Koledyns'kyi was born in 1639 in a Mazepyntsi village in famous Ukrainian family. Ivan has received education in the Kyiv collegiate organ, and then in collegiate organ of the Jesuits in Warsaw. Becoming het'man, Mazepa sequentially hardens the provision the foreman and at the same time returns a significant part of the private incomes on development of orthodox religion and Ukrainian culture. Under the Mazepa's management in 1705 was constructed the Kyiv fortress on Pechers'k. When the Swedish king Karl XII has come in Poland, Mazepa has addressed to Petr I behind the help, but that has answered, that he defended by the forces. Mazepa has come to conclusion, that he is free in the operations. Really, Peter I has outraged the agreement 1654, on which Moscow should defend Ukraine from the Poles. Het'man has ceased to consider itself obliged to keep a fidelity to Peter I. Mazepa has supported the majority of Cossac's the foreman.
It is necessary to mark, that Mazepa even earlier beginnings to reflect on the future of Ukraine not coupled with Moscow. His main purpose was independent sovereign Ukraine. But from tactical reasons he in 1705 develops the program - minimum on a sample Gadyach union 1658: the separation of Ukraine from Moscow and on the basis of all Chernihivs'ka, Kyivs'ka and Smolens'ka, Vitebs'ka and Polots'ka lands, that is with the ministers, treasury and even a coin.
After "treachery" Mazepa het'man's capital in Baturyn was deleted by the Moscow, and were killed all city dwellers. Began a unknown terror on all Left-banks Ukraine: hung up, cut heads. The Moscow army plundered. Moskow tsar has issued the permanent order to execute on a place each caught Cossac.
The Poltava fight has put the extremity to Ukrainian's diligence to be separated from Russia. Mazepa has founded the asylum in Moldova, where he has died in September, 21st, 1709 near one Bendery city. Some sources inform, Mazepa has commited suicide, having accepted a poison.

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