There are emblems on Thursday, 04,25,2024 - 5209
List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
List for: Heraldry of modern Ukraine

All emblems order by name

It's better to use one word or its part.

The modern emblem (98407) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The flag (72740) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The President's gonfalon (71214) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The modern emblem (56834) 
The modern emblem (54339) 


Рейтинг каталога сайтов Хмельницкого региона

The modern emblem
It was confirmed in May, 15th, 2003 by the decision of region council session.
Argent wavy bend sinister. Azure; formy cross or. Or; amphora purple of Chian type. The board is crowned by territorial or crown and twisted by grapevine vert with two grapes. Under a board is a tape (in the form of the Ukrainian towel with an embroidery of sable-and-gules geometrical low-Dnister style), on it is motto on a Ukranian language - "FORTUNE HELPS TO COURAGEOUS" ("FORTES FORTUNA ADIUVAT" - the citation from Nazon "Metamorphosis").
The or cross means community - its prototype is near Hrybivka village, which belonged to Kuzakon' family from the Danube Cossack army. Because it is located above argent bend, it symbolizes Dnister unity. Argent bend means Dnister. The Chian amphora is suitable for storage wine and grains, symbolizes well-beings and fertility of the lands. Amphoras of such type are characteristic in archeologic dig of the most ancient settlement of region - Old-Greek policy Nikoniy (modern Roxolany village). The grapevine means fertility and consent, it is a symbol of southern lands, wine growing and winemaking.
The author is P.V.Bondarenko.
Image on site V.Napytkin.

"Znak" #36 (2005)  See

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