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Khmelnyts'ka oblast' emblem
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The modern emblem (56149) 


Khmelnyts'ka oblast' emblem

 "The shield per bend sinister by azure and gules. There are or Podillya sun in the first part and paty argent cross in the second part. The shield is framed with or ears which are twined with the blue-ans-yellow ribbon with gules viburnum branch and Tryzyb in the crest. The author is V.Illyins'kyi."
 Thi first mentions about Podillya emblem belongs to Yan Dlugosh memories to 1410. First printed emblem printed on A.Gvanini books "European Sarmatia history" (1581). It's oldest (exept Tryzyb) ukrainian emblem. Now it's used in modern Vinnyts'ka oblast' emblem. Argent cross is historical Volyn' emblem. The part of Volyn' belongs to Khmelnyts'ka oblast' now.

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