There are emblems on Monday, 02,17,2025 - 5904
List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
List for: Hetman's arms
List for: ORLYK PYLYP (1710-1742)
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The modern emblem (100008) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The flag (74241) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The President's gonfalon (73052) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The modern emblem (58512) 
The modern emblem (56150) 


ORLYK PYLYP (1710-1742)

Pylyp Orlyk was born in 1672. He has received education in Kyiv-Mohyla University and in 26-year's age was cathedral Kyiv metropolitan clerk, after 2 years - high bureaucrat in general military office, and in 1706 becomes general clerk of an Zaporizhzhya army and assistant of het'manа Mazepa. After defeat near Poltava Mazepa's followers, which have appeared on abroad in Turkey, in contrast Skoropads'kyi, which has delivered het'man on Ukraine by Peter I, have selected het'man Pylyp Orlyk.
Orlyk became the writer by first in Europe of the Constitution. He tried to defend even Right-bank, but Polish army has divided his Cossacks. After that he was constrained to leave to Karl XII for Sweden. After death Карла XII he moves in Germany, then in France and, at last, in Turkey, where dies in 1742.
About the last minutes of life he does not keep hope to begin liberation movement in Ukraine. In the letters to Cossacs he admonishes: if they will not take advantage of confluence of circumstances for attempt of recovering of independence, already never will wait of such possibilities. But Cossacs have not responded to the Orlyk invoking.

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