There are emblems on Sunday, 02,09,2025 - 5870
List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
List for: Heraldry of modern Ukraine

All emblems order by name

It's better to use one word or its part.

The modern emblem (99961) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The flag (74207) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The President's gonfalon (73000) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The modern emblem (58474) 
The modern emblem (56103) 


The modern emblem
It was confirmed in January, 30th, 1998 by the decision of XIII oblast' council session of XXII convocation.
Quarterly by lozenge Raspberry, which is per fess wavy by Argent and Azure. First Azure; paty cross Or. Second Or; horseshoe Gules. Third Or; heart Gules. Fourth Azure; wheat sheaf Or. On first part of lozenge is bow Or, accompanied by two stars Or, on second part is gates Or with three towers, accompanied by two stars Or.
- Bow with arrow and stars are the elements from Poltava and Pyriatyn coats of arms, indicate on historic role of this territories, and also Poltava as administrative centre.
- Urban gates with three towers and flagpoles is eldest Lokhvytsia coats of arms. It indicates on durability, power, land inviolability, cossack traditions.
- Water wave is element of Horishni Plavni and Kremenchuk emblems, symbolizes riches of water spaces.
- Cossack cross is symbol of Poltava regiments, Myrhorod and Zin'kiv emblems.
- Horseshoe is one from family Ukrainian emblem and means happiness, good, love, consent.
- Heart is part of emblem of het'man P.Polubotok, V.Kochubey, symbolizes Poltavschyna as Ukraine heart.
- Sheaf personifies natural resource, land fertility, industry of its inhabitants, national traditions.
- Crown means power, firmness, grandeur and glory.
- Raspberry is most useful colour of cossack emblems and means power, bravery.
- Azure means struggle for freedom, hope.
- Or means sun, welfare, kindness, work, dignity.
Image on site V.Napytkin.

Україна: герби та прапори / авт. проекту та упор. : В.Г. Кисляк, О.А. Нескоромний. – К. : Парламентське вид-во. 2010. – 456 с. : ілюст. – укр., рос., анг.  See

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