Argent; сossack Mamai in trousers Gules, clothes Azure, boots crimson, playing on the bandura Or. Chief Azure; covered well Or topped by cross, accompanied on dexter and sinister by armed storks Argent. The shield is framed by cartouche Or and crowned by village crown Or. Coat of arms has a wreath from willow twigs and viburnum, twined by ribbon Azure with inscription "Nychyporivka" Argent.
Kozak Mamay is mention about the Cossack Nykyfor Bobyr', the founder of the village, which is a descendant of famous singer-bandurist. Well is the symbol of life, cleansing, health, it was built in the village center. Storks are symbol of family happiness, home, love. Willow is a symbol of peace, purity, virginity, willow and viburnum - the personification of saying "No Ukraine without willows and viburnum".
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Гречило А.Б. Герби та прапори міст і сіл України. - Львів, 2004. Ч. 1. -120+ХLIV с. (ISBN 966-02-0994-0).