Quarterly. First Gules; two cossack sabres Argent in saltire, above it paty cross Or. Second Or; going raven Sable with the lifted wings in armament Gules. Third Or; broken off shackles Sable. Fourth Gules; horseshoe Argent topped by paty cross Or. The shield is enframed by cartouche Or and crowned by village crown Or.
Cossack sabres and cross are the mention of cossack Dvirko, the founder of farm Dvirkivshchyna. The raven is symbol of farm Voronovshchyna, an embodiment of vital wisdom and longevity. The torn shackles is symbol of rebellious peasants who have been banished on farm Kainary. Horseshoe and cross are elements of the arms of cossack foremen Chernyavs'kyi, the founder of farm Chernyahivka.
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Гречило А.Б. Герби та прапори міст і сіл України. - Львів, 2004. Ч. 1. -120+ХLIV с. (ISBN 966-02-0994-0).