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It was confirmed in July, 28th, 1982 by the decision #160-3.40 of city council executive committee. Gules with azure basis; Luts'k castle tower as a symbol of courage in struggle with foreign occupants. The tower is surrounded by argent ring, which right part makes the bearing, and left makes a gear, which symbolize development of industry. In the basis of a ring are a gules sickle and hammer, at the centre is the argent date "1085" - year of the first mention about city. In the top part of a board is the the or name of city - "Luts'k". The board is bordered by an or border. Image on site V.Napytkin. Меликаев В.И., Сержан В.В. "Каталог современных гербов городов, поселков и сел СССР", части 1-6, Минск, 1989-1991 гг."