There are emblems on Friday, 04,19,2024 - 5209
List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
List for: Departmental symbols
List for: Boundary armies of Ukraine
State committee of state border protection
All emblems order by name

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The modern emblem (98369) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The flag (72705) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The President's gonfalon (71170) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The modern emblem (56805) 
The modern emblem (54302) 


Рейтинг каталога сайтов Хмельницкого региона

State committee of state border protection
It was confirmed in August, 7th, 2001 by the decision #594/2001 of Decree of the President of Ukraine.
It is a crimson square panel by the size 130х130sm.
On a face place of a Battle flag is the Boundary armies of Ukraine emblem. In the all corners of a panel are gold oak and laurel wreathes with heraldry sign of of State committee on protection of state border of Ukraine in each.
The reverse party of a flag contains the direct equilateral cross with the missing ends, gold metal edging and round dark blue medallion in the centre in a wreath from gold oak leaves. On a medallion background are the gold letters in seven lines: "State committee on protection of state border of Ukraine". In all corners of a panel are gold wreathes from oak and laurel leaves. At the centre of wreathes are gold crossed small swords and keys, imposed on them. The free parties of a flag are decorated by gold fringe.
Flagstaff is wooden and black. A flagstaff top is sagittate from yellow metal, at which centre is heraldry sign of of State committee on protection of state border of Ukraine.
On a basis of a flagstaff top attached a double green tape with bow. Edges of a tape framed by gold. The tape contains the motto, written by the gold letters: "Safety of border means power of the state" and ornamental pattern with the gold oak and viburnum foliage. On one end of a tape is the Volodymyr The Great State's Sign, on another end is the Boundary armies of Ukraine emblem. The ends of tapes are decorated by gold fringe.
Image on site V.Napytkin.

Військово-історичний альманах. - К.: Центральний музей Збройних Сил України, 2002 - Число 4. - 160 с.  See

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