(the project)
About the statement of the Large State Emblem of Ukraine
This law in the correspondence with the Constitution of Ukraine installs an image of the large State Emblem of Ukraine and regulates it use.
1. As the large State Emblem of Ukraine to consider the Coat of arms executed by author's group:
IVAHNENKO O.A. - member of Union of the artists of Ukraine, Deserved figure of arts of Ukraine, professor of the Ukrainian academy of arts.
MYTCHENKO V.S. - member of Union of the artists of Ukraine, higher teacher of the Ukrainian academy of arts.
DMYTRIENKO M.F. - doctor of historical sciences, head of a department of special historical disciplines of Institute of a history of Ukraine of a National academy of sciences of Ukraine.
SAVCHUK Y.K. - candidate of historical sciences, scientific employee of a department of special historical disciplines of Institute of a history of Ukraine of a National academy of sciences of Ukraine.
(A colour and black-and-white image are applied)
2. The image of the large State Emblem of Ukraine is placed on the seals of public authorities and local government, token moneys and signs of a postage, seals, title block, forms of state organizations, embassies of Ukraine abroad.
3. The law inures from the of publication date.