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The long time about emblem of Mykhailo Doroshenko was not known. But in middle of XVIII century his descendants were detected by the certificate that he had the own coat of arms. A board is quarterly. In a first azure field is or a cross attended above by or half moon horns from top to bottom and from below by two or 6-rows stars. In the second gules field is spear and arrow in Andrew's cross. In the third gules field is bow stretched by arrow in bend sinister. In the fourth azure field is argent river, attended by two or 6-rows stars. In crest is hand armed by sword. Mantle on the right side is gules, till a left-hand side is gules and fured by or. Image on site V.Napytkin. Єремєєв І.С. Герби гетьманів України. К.: Вид-во "УЦІММ-ПРЕС", 1998. - 56 с.: іл