The Austrian historian Vickenhauzer asserted that on emblem of XVIII century was a picture of open argent gate in the opening of which is an empire eagle (the emblem of the ruling house of the Gabsburgers). On the eagle was a Gotic gules shield per fess in the middle by an argent beam. In 1784 there was also made the first seal of the town. It was oval, the size 40x45 mm and round the seal there was an inscription in German "Chernivtsi, town. A seal 1784". In the center was an open gate with seven embattlements. Over them were eight (four in a row) stones. In the center of the opening of the gate was an empire eagle. Under the gate two laurel branches in cross.
On the 30th of April 1908 before celebrating the 500 anniversary of the first written mention about Chernivtsi the magistrate of the town appealed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Austria with a request to give the first town emblem of 1784. The town was given a patent for the emblem - in a gules shield are open town stone gate crowned by seven embattlements. Over the embattlements are eight stones in two rows (four stones in each). The stones of the upper row were somewhat smaller than the stones of the lower row. In the open gate was or double-headed eagle with an or crown on each head. In its dexter foot the eagle hold a sword, in its sinister foot there was a ball (a symbol of power). On the eagle's chest there was an escutcheon per fess by an argent line and entwined with the Order of the Golden Fleece. Over the eagle an imperial crown. The two laurel branches in cross were under the town gate and entwined with a gules-and-white ribbon.
Vickenhauzer doesn't explain any reason of using the mentioned symbols in creating the emblem. Maybe they were characteristic of the town since the days of Galyts'ka (Chervona) Rus'.
Image on site
Strohl H., Stadte-Wappen von Osterreich-Ungarn, Wien, 1904