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It was confirmed in October, 2nd, 2001 by the decision #193-17/XXIІ of region council session. Rectangular panel with sides ratio 2:3 consists of two vertical stripes: blue staff (in width of 1/3 of the flag), and crimson free. On the line of separation is stylized yellow ear of corn in the form of a pectoral equidistant from the top and bottom edges. The authors are V.Zhyvohlyad, V.Valsamaki. Image on site V.Napytkin. Геральдика Дніпропетровщини. Офіційні символи територіальних та муніципальних утворень: [Історичні нариси]. - Д.: Арт-Прес, 2012. -192с. ISBN 978-966-348-279-8