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It was confirmed in October, 2nd, 2001 by the decision #193-17/XXIІ of region council session. Per bend sinister. First Gules; Cossack Or riding a horse Argent and holding a spear with banner Or in left hand. Second Azure; spike Or in form of the pectoral. On the line of separation five eight-pointed star Argent, first and fiveth are smaller in 1.5 times. The authors are V.Zhyvohlyad, V.Valsamaki.
Cossack horseman with a spear means defense of native land, symbolizes the continuous movement of the Ukrainian people for freedom and independence. Pectoral recalls the world-famous archaeological discovery - neck decoration Scythian, founded in the region. Pectoral is the symbol of the ancient history of the region, which was located in the center of Scythia. Five stars represent the five of the seven Zaporizhzhya Sich, over two hundred years there were on the territory of region: Tomakivs'ka (untill 1593), Bazavluts'ka (1594-1638), Mykytyns'ka (1639-1652 years), Chortomlyts'ka (1652-1709) and Novo-Podpil'nyans'ka (1734-1775). Gules symbolizes love for the Motherland, courage, bravery and generosity of the Cossacks, azure means- the blue waters of the Dnieper. The authors are V.Valsamaki, V.Zhyvohlyad. Image on site V.Napytkin. Геральдика Дніпропетровщини. Офіційні символи територіальних та муніципальних утворень: [Історичні нариси]. - Д.: Арт-Прес, 2012. -192с. ISBN 978-966-348-279-8