It is one of the oldest Galychyna villages. The first name (untill ХII century) was Zelenyi Dub (Green Oak). The mention about its existence in VIII century is in annals of the Western Slovenia. According to a legend, the name of village occurs from three shaft ("val") which existed once here.
The first documentary mention concerns to 1395. The first owners were Makovets'kyis. Voitseh Makovets'kyi has built the castle in the form of the letter "U", considered one of the strongest in Galychyna. However in September 1675 the big turk-tatar army has destroyed the fortress, and owners has taken in a captivity. After seven years of the captivity them have redeemed. In 1689 the city has passed to Great Het'man Yan Stanislav Yablonovs'kyi - he has built up the castle.
Teofilia Yablonovs'ka, the widow of the het'man Yan-Stanislav son, on March, 20th, 1729 has granted the Magdebourg Right to the city.
Obviously, first arms was "Sas": "Azure, or overturned half moon topped by two or stars which frames by the arrow with an iron edge and the gules plumage, turned up". Such arms was on one of the castle tower before its destruction in 1915. The following arms was "Pomyan" - azure; or bull head punched by a sabre. Клименко О., Хаварівський Б. Міська геральдика Тернопільщини. - Т.: Воля, 2003. - 500 с., 8 с. вкладок.